Indeed, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s push for ‘Make in India’ can be realised by giving handholding support to the various talented indigenous artisans. This will serve four significant purposes:
a) Revive the dying arts and crafts of India in her various states. Yes, not just in Odisha, but in most states many rare arts are dying out for lack of marketing and support.
b) Bring much needed foreign exchange for the country.
c) Raise standard of living of the artisans and also bring the recognition due to them.
d) Prevent mass migration of artisans towards menial jobs and make taking up traditional crafts a lucrative profession by succeeding generations of artisans.
Utkalamrita is encouraging ‘Make in Odisha’ so that this land’s fabled crafts are known by all in the country and the world. Also, Odisha’s artisans deserve far more fame and money for their unmatched, expert skills in handcrafting the best items.

Contact us at sabatexports@gmail.com for further enquiries! Do visit our online stores at marketplaces like Ebay, Craftsvilla, Snapdeal, Flipkart!
**Linking to letter H of ABC Wednesday (Handicrafts, Happiness, Heart, Handholding, Handcrafting, Heart-warming)